Monday, September 29, 2008

Dress shopping :)

I went homecoming shopping yesterday in Sanford with Teri. I'm so difficult when it comes to shopping. I narrowed it down to a red dress, and a violet one. I purchased the violet one. It's a peated babydoll with sparklies bellow the chest. Then I have Australian crystal earings and a silver necklace to match, and silver heals, and fancy sandals - nobody actually keeps their heals on all day to dance in. It's gorg. I'll post pictures eventually... when I get motivated enough to search for my camera dock.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What was I saying

about barely any homework? I have a tendency to start slacking hardcore if I'm not being slammed with enough work. Today I got up early to do homework, do my psychology project (way to procrastinate), finish my Sunday School homework, get ready for the confrence next Saturday, and do some things around the house I didn't have time for during the week (cleaning, giving the dog a bath, laundry, etc). I don't have the instructions on what format the results form the psychology project is supposed to go in... so I'm kinda at an impasse with that. I have a Spanish test on Monday that I haven't even started to study for - maybe if I remember I'll bring my flashcards with me during the car ride tomorrow.

You know you're a nerd when you freak out because Creek Connect is down...

Last night I went to the mall to look for homecoming dresses. I found one I wanted to buy in Windsor. It was uber pretty. Of course it was the last one in my size... and of course upon bringing it to the register I find a rip in it. Great. I go on the website to see if I can order one - their shipping is 15 days, the dance was in 14. Even better. So I went to call the 1-800 number to see if they could mail me rush delivery. The office is closed until Monday. I don't think I'm meant to have that dress... So tomorrow I'm going to Sanford with some of the girls to see if my picky self can find one there.

I made salt dough with the kids on Thursday. They did amazingly well with it, especially considering Teri wasn't there. It kept them busy almost the entire night. I made two big bowls of it on both ends of the table so I wouldn't have too much "I can't see!" whining, and told them to not touch it until told - most of them did pretty well with it. Cleanup was a huge deal - beating the flour out of the chairs, scraping the hardened chunks off, washing all the play-dough toys and their little tiny crevices, cleaning up the mess in the bathroom left from washing the toys, cleaning up the chunks off the floor, vaccuuming the floor several times, washing the tables several times and finally deciding that some of the hardened peices just weren't coming off any time soon. I didn't get home until almost 10. I don't mind cleaning too much though; messes stress me out, and I find cleaning quite relaxing. I slept well. I got two of the little kids to do the dirty work of picking all the hardened peices off the floor by telling them they were "super helpers" going on an adventure to find lost treasure (the chunks). It worked well :) I was pretty impressed with them.

Flour and Salt Clay #2
Can be reused if stored properly
Ingredients:4 cups flour1 cup saltFood coloring (optional)Water2 tablespoons cooking oil (for reusable only)
1. Mix flour and salt in a large bowl.
2. Add food coloring to water, add enough water to the flour mixture to moisten and make workable.
3. If making reusable clay, add oil to water also.
4. Model into shapes, let dry, or put into air tight containers and store in the refrigerator.

I tested the dye I had (it's the gel stuff) on my own hand to see if it would stain before I gave it to them. It was sticky (it's mostly corn syrup) and didn't come off for several washes - though I think I may have just been seeing my vein after a while that appeared to be blue / green. It might have worked, since what I put on my hand was concentrated, but I didn't think Pastor Tim would appreciate tye-dye table tops...

In World History, Tiffany, Elyce, and I put together an amazing project. One side of the posterboard we had to do a display of Ying & Yang, and the other side was Judaism, specifically the story of Abraham, using magazines.

We cut out scraps of blue to make a collage of the sky, and scraps of tan to make a collage of the sand. Then we went threw and picked out our Isaac, Ishmael, Hagar, Abraham, and Sarah. We went through Obama, both Clintons, Bush, Cheney with a rifle (there were some old magazines, back from when he had his hunting incident), and some strange looking people. We settled on an adorable old couple holding hands to play Abraham and Sarah. We had a Hagar... but she somehow got lost in our mess. We didn't have much time left, so we cut out an Amish woman holding bread. We cut out a little boy and dubbed him Isaac, but we couldn't find another one to play Ishmael. So Tiffany got the bright idea to cut out the head of a baby and glue it onto the loaf of bread in Hagar's arms. Mr. P thought it was disturbing, I thought it was hilarious. Elyce cut out "one hot momma" and "multiplies" to put over the old couple - Abraham does after all have as many children as stars in the sky. Haha. We found a large print "GOD" to put at the top, too.

Then with 4 minutes of class left to go, we flipped over the board and put together a craptastic Ying Yang with white and black magazine scraps with the help of Athena, 3 glue sticks, and Yug and Artem standing over us telling us we wouldn't have time. We had one minute to spare :) It actually didn't look too bad. I'll have to take a picture of it - especially the Judaism side, it's hilarious. I smell an A coming :)

When did it get to be 11:34pm?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's a great day to be a hawk...

Sophomore year is amazing... barely any homework. Today I was done in about an hour and 45 minutes. They weren't lying when they said tenth grade is the easiest year in IB... yet next year will be the hardest.

Progress reports came out today. Worst one ever. Ironic.

Piano - A
Psychology - A
English - B (I have no idea what she's graded... she refuses to use Creek Connect or tell us our grades)
World History - B
Chemistry - A (but is probably more like a C now...)
Spanish - A
Mathematical Analysis - B

I think / hope I might be able to raise some the B's to A's though before report cards come out.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Busy work builds character...

or so says my second period psychology teacher - who is famous for busy work.

"Yeah so... today I don't have anything planned... write your vocabulary words and definitions 3 times each."

I love public education.

About a year and a half left to go before I'm applying for colleges - and I still have NO idea where I'm going or what I'm majoring in. I've narrowed it down to something in communication of some sort (since I have no mathematical skills whatsoever, and even my own blood makes me gag) - but that still leaves me with a couple thousand majors to choose from... sweet.

Thursday babysitting went pretty well, and drama-free for the most part. I'm never having children. Ever. It's great birth control.

Last night I babysat again though while friends went to two of my favorite people in the world's wedding. Paige asked why her parents were away, and I told her because they're at a friend's wedding. We ended up having a like half hour Q&A session about what a wedding is.

Paige: "What if I don't find a boy to marry me?"
Me: "You will."
Paige: "I'm never getting married."
Me: "Why?"
Paige: "Because I don't want to kiss a boy."

Then she wanted to know who Nate and Amanda are, so I showed her some pictures on their Myspaces.

Paige: "Why is she wearing a crown?"
Me: "Because she's his princess."
Paige: "Why is she his princess?"
Me: "Because he loves her."
Paige: "Oh. She's pretty. P-R-E-Y. Pretty. I wish I was like her."

It was way cute :)

Boy decided to profess his love to me last night - which still makes me crack up laughing, but then I feel bad. Poor kid. I'm not interested at all... he hasn't gotten the hint yet. Makes for a great awkward relationships - one of those ones that the chance of bowing out gracefully is -2%.

The headache took a two day vacation, but decided to come back tonight. Blah. I'm ready for a lobotomy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Hmm. So I made this blog because my other one is basically more like a diary... and filled with boring TDL's that nobody wants to read. So here you go, something mildly amusing?

By the way, 1073 spells "love"... almost, sort of. Squint, tilt your head, whatever you have to do... it's there, I promise.

My head hurts. A lot. And it's worse when I start moving. It's been pounding for three weeks as of tomorrow. My throat hurts as well, and my neck aches. I get dizzy too out of nowhere, my ears pop, and I'm very tired... the latter not being that bad, because it means I've been getting at least 5 hours of sleep a night all week (three cheers! That's a Dani First!) Normally I'm pretty sensitive to Tylenol and the like, and I'll still take children's medicine in the amount that a 10 year old would take, but this sucker isn't going away for anything. I haven't taken anything this weekend, trying to give my body a break from all of the Tylenol I've been taking just so I can function at school. For some reason my parents are anti-doctor, so that's pretty much out of the question, no matter how sick I get. I haven't had a check-up since I was in the 4th grade... that was 8 years ago? So this weekend I spent resting, hoping some relaxation would help whatever this strange head cold is, and I ended up finishing the second book in the Twlight Series, New Moon, instead of doing homework. Now it's 10pm on Sunday night and I have a Spanish test tomorrow. Senioritis?

I broke my year and a half record of not cheating on Friday. Bummer. It can be justified though... sort of...

On a lighter note... Sunday School started today! Normally I hate change, but I kind of like this new system of being split up into different individualized classes with different academics. We're doing a unit called "Countering Culture" which is interesting, because that's always been a big battle of mine; wondering how are you supposed to tell 4 billion other people that they're wrong, and you're right, when you have no more proof than they do? I've always wondered if I'd be a Bhuddist or Muslim instead if I lived in India or Saudi Arabia... Side note: I became a Christian on the 7th.

I used to ask questions... a lot of questions... nobody had any answers for me, and quite honestly, they must have been annoyed, but of course I didn't realize it at the time. There's a kid, JC, who at best I can describe him as the Official Bible Thumper of IB. He's one of two black kids in my class of IB students, and is always out to "prove" that Jesus was black; most people will say white, even more will not care (he was Middle Eastern, buddy, he's brown.) So somehow we went from a debate about the skin color of Jesus (brown), to if people who say GD or who are gay go to hell (negatory), to unforgiveable sins (denying Jesus as Lord), to who decides what an unforgiveable sin is (seriously? God), to the validity of the bible (the rest really doesn't matter until you have this one figured out). I somehow found myself pittying all the people I had sent questions to, knowing exactly what they felt like when there was a kid sitting there who just wouldn't take an answer for what it was. Long story short, I ended up offending the kid when I told him that he should check what he really believes about Jesus if he thinks he's the Savior yet doesn't forgive all sins, and JC started bringing in Pagan sources to prove his point and declared himself the "winner" of the debate... there's so many things wrong with that... just no...

I think some Spanish flash cards are calling my name...