Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I'm not going to explain the story line - if you haven't read Twilight yet... you probably shouldn't talk to me... I don't think we can be friends (kidding - but I probably will harrass you until you read it).

Overall, I think you woul dbe TOTALLY confused if you hadn't read the book.

A friend of mine, Jackie, was going to sleep over at my house and we were going to go see it. I picked up the tickets around 3 after school, and the lady said they were almost sold out for the 7:10 viewing and to get there very early. So I went home, cleaned, did some homework, and got back to the theatre around 5:45 to meet Jackie. We met at the Dollar General - sneaking in Raisinettes, Capri Suns, and Oreos. Then we headed over to the movies around 6; there were already some people in there. We got good seats and just talked until the movie started. It was almost full by 6:30. I love going to the movies - I get to see people I haven't seen in ages, since I go to school out of town.

Since there were so many kids, there were security guards and workers in the theatre watching us; I felt like I was being babysat. One of the workers asked us to move over to fill up the empty seats - there went our good seats (they were next behind the railing so we could put our feet up). I had two seats to my left, and Jackie was sitting next to a sweet old woman who tried to strike up conversation. The theatre started to dim and I thought I'd get off easy and not have to sit next to anyone (I don't do well with strangers) until two 20something guys in camo and a girl walked in, running up and down the aisles trying to find seats. The worker made them sit next to me.

Two seats, two guys, and one girl. One of the guys, who I assumed was the girl's boyfriend, told the girl to sit on the floor and he and his buddy sat in the chairs. She said she wasn't comfortable and he pretty much said "sorry, too bad." They smelled like alcohol and tobacco, talked like rednecks, and were all up in my space - I think I sat more in Jackie's seat in my own because he was taking up so much of mine. They talked through the whole first few minutes of the movie, and even asked the girlfriend "What's this movie called? What's it about?" - totally ignoring all the shh-ing until the sweet old lady leaned over and yelled "CAN YOU TWO PLEASE SHUT THE **** UP?! SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO LISTEN." Haha.

The movie. So I was pretty much disgusted by the casting. Victoria's hair was not flaming red - it was like burnt sienna orange. The movie tried really hard to make them politically correct - Laurent was not black, Angela and Eric weren't Asian, Lauren wasn't even in the movie. Doesn't sound too fitting for a town of 3,000 to find such a multicultural group of friends... Jessica was supposed to be fat. Jasper looks gay. Edward looks evil and scary instead of sweet and beautiful. James looks like my mom's boyfriend's son in a few years, haha. They casted Mike very well though - he really did remind me of a dog. And Carlisle's voice was like I had imagined. Their inter-clan relationships were supposed to be a secret, too.

The special effects were super lame. I think I'll look back on it in a few years and go "what the crap... I enjoyed this?" But honestly, it'd be near impossible to do special effects correctly with some of the stuff Meyer came up with. I loved how parts of the movie were so funny - yet that's only because you knew what the characters were thinking. If someone who hadn't read the books were watching, they would be like "what? why is he giving him that look?"

It always bugs me when books are different than the movies - but the movie would have been 6 or 7+ hours long if they had put in everything. Nobody was murdered by the the Nomads in the book; Alice saw them coming in a few months, and then they suddenly appeared early while they were playing baseball. They really skipped out a lot on the conversations and dates that Edward and Bella had, or Jacob's and the friend's role. I cried when Bella left her dad; that scene was the one that almost made me stop reading the whole series.

They had their first kiss in the woods, not her bedroom - did anyone else notice that Bella's pants were suddenly gone? And at the end of the movie, was it Victoria or Rosalie? I thought it was Rosalie crying because Bella and Edward were together; but if that's so, then they're really playing into this whole RosalieIsJealousOfBella thing. Jackie thinks it was Victoria; but Edward would have totally picked up on it if she was there.

Bella's house was similar to how I had pictured it, however the Cullen's was not. It wasn't as big as I had pictured; I don't think Edward's room could hold a bed as it does in the 3rd or 4th book - and there was no black sofa, and no tour of the house. The sunshine scene was a pretty big letdown. His skin made noises- twinkletwinkletwinkle, and didn't really glitter. The sun was photoshopped too. He had planned to take her out there, and they had deep conversations there. Edward made a big deal about it because he was afraid he'd hurt her so she wanted to make sure somebody knew he was going to be with her. I think there excuse was they were going to Port Angeles or something. Edward was kinda a creeper. He just dragged her out into the woods before school started, said she tasted good, did some tricks, and then ripped off his clothes and twinkled in the sunlight. They left out a lot of information that is needed to understand how the vampire world works. The school was big - Bella described it in the books though as being so small that it looked more like a smattering of buildings than an actual school.

And the prom scene... that doesn't look like a school gym to me. Alice DEFF would not have let Bella out of the house in a dress and converse shoes and leggings. She looked incredibly ridiculous. Bella had been dressed up at the Cullen's home all day by Alice, and she thought she was going to be transformed. Alice made her wear heals. I swear to you, this year everyone's going to be wearing Converse shoes with their prom dresses... ugh.

I have to admit, Alice ripping off James' head was pretty BA. But the chase part was mediocre, and the movie was unintentially funny. Overall I give it a 2.5, maybe a 3 out of 5.

Anyways, that's all for now. I think I could take hours to discuss the book or movie - but homework awaits.

Friday, November 14, 2008

101 things you probably don't know about me

101. My sleep schedule is nonexistant.
100. I'm really good at sleeping 12+ hours on Friday night, but less than 5 the rest of the week. I think it evens out somewhere.
99. I'm famous for sleeping during class, then being able to wake up right before the teacher asks me a question, getting it right, and going back to sleep.
98. I start to get uneasy when I go below a 95%
97. I'd cry if I got anything less than a 4.0 GPA
96. I'm actually pretty lazy. I don't like to work for anything.
95. But I fear failure more than I fear work.
94. My definition of procrastination is not having the work done two days before it's due. I like to give myself wiggle room.
93. I'm a cram-studier. I study for a few minutes the day before the test, and then a few minutes right before it.
92. I memorize things in groups of 3's. Three vocab words at a time, 3 formulas at a time, 3 days at a time. I like acronyms or phrases a lot too... and songs...
91. But I can't sing to save my life.
90. I wish I could. Voice is the ultimate instrument. No batteries required.
89. I was in choir for years. Until I realized I suck.
88. I really hate when I don't fail, the school system fails me. I spent 7 years in music class before I actually learned how to read music.
87. I get all upset when we don't do anything in class - I didn't wake up at 4:50 to talk about the color of eye shadow. I don't like to waste time.
86. Time = Money. I have no time, therefore, I have no money.
85. My dad's a pushover. I had him whipped at a young age. I've never been grounded or had anything taken away.
84. My mom? Not so much. It's her way or the high way.
83. That made me into a nagger as a child. My mom said I was a broken record.
82. I eventually learned how to manipulate her, and made her a pushover too. Now I'm a great debator. Undefeated 3 years running. You don't want to get in an argument with me.
81. I love public speaking.
80. But I really hate when people have a strong opinion, and nothing to back it up with.
79. I tend to get things done. "No" isn't in my vocabulary.
78. Which is why I hate group work. I can do it faster myself.
77. I'm NOT a morning person. At all.
76. I'm a grump when I'm hungry or tired. If I'm being mean, tell me to eat or take a nap.
75. People tell me I tend to frown a lot or look serious all the time. I have no idea I'm doing it.
74. I always look at the other person's right eye when I'm making eye contact.
73. I don't like eye contact much. I tend to look down. I'm listening, really.
72. I have OCD tendencies. I can't wear my hair the same way two days in a row. I can't paint my nails the same way consecutively, etc.
71. I love when I see my vocab words or get to use some skill I never thought I'd need.
70. I can't pronounce "aluminum" or "feminine" or "vocabulary" or "accompaniament" correctly.
69. I need glasses. But they look bad on me. So I squint.
68. My eyes are super sensitive to light.
67. Light, chewing, and stress gives me headaches... a lot.
66. Knees gross me out. Kinda like some people don't like feet.
65. I don't like things touching my neck, either.
64. I haven't been to the doctor since I was in 4th grade. I've only been to the dentist twice.
63. My immune system is craptastic. But it's improving. I <3 Airborne
62. I need braces. But my mom doens't "believe" in them.
61. I'm incredibly lazy. And I suck at cooking. Which means that I'll starve before I make food for myself.
60. So when my dad is gone, I don't eat.
59. I don't actually eat during lunch either. 4th and 6th period is my lunch time.
58. I sleep a lot when I'm upset.
57. I'm allergic to anything I put on my lips - chapstick, lipstick, lipgloss, whatever.
56. I'm part of some strange subspecies of women that hate shoes.
55. I'm ridiculously (another word I can't pronounce) flat-footed.
54. I'm a Sickle Cell carrier. Don't even think about saying "isn't that for black people?"
53. I love breakfast foods.
52. Some people think I have a New England accent. I don't see it.
51. I hate Southern accents... yet I live in the South.
50. I hate when people cuss. It bugs the junk out of me.
49. My biggest pet peeve is when people don't know the difference between "good" and "well".
48. Food tastes good. You do things well.
47. It also really bugs me when people don't konw the difference between "their, there, they're" or "too, two, to."
46. Their shirts are blue. There are the shirts. They're putting on the shirts. I want to go too. Two girls are going. We are going to the store.
45. I love talking in Spanish. But I hate Spanish class.
44. Mi amiga in Spanish will pass notes in Spanish instead of actually paying attention. I think we get more learning done that way...
43. I sold my soul to IB and all I got was this lousy diploma.
42. I have a baby. His name is Nike.
41. He's a Chihuahua / Italian Greyhound (I think). No, Italian Greyhounds are NOT big.
40. He knows his commands in Spanish and English.
39. He's spoiled beyond belief. He's also 10 pounds of bed hog; his little self probably takes up more room than I do.
38. I cut up my flashcards crazy small. I like to save paper.
37. Taken notes from a scatter-brained teacher is incredibly difficult.
36. I always get excited when I get a good grade in math - I never have before. Then I remember I'm in dumb kid math.
35. I'm very independent... almost to a fault.
34. I used to love Oprah. Now I can't stand her. Same with Tyra. Ellen's still pretty cool though.
33. I still can't believe she's like 50.
32. I'm guilting of chewing on my pens, nails, cell phone antenna, whatever, when I'm stressed.
31. When I'm bored in Spanish, I draw floor plans on the back of last night's homework.
30. They're actually pretty good. But no, I won't be an architect - too much math (see number 36).
29. I get all excited when I see something on the news or on tv that talks about something I just learned about.
28. I really... really... like organizing and planning. Can I come clean your house for you?
27. I won't be a wedding planner either - that probably involves numbers of some sort too.
26. I'm either really hot or really cold.
25. I get in moods where I'll eat certain foods for weeks at a time. I'm currently at hot chocolate, chai tea, and salads.
24. Darkness bothers me. I like lights on.
23. I play piano for about 11-ish hours a week.
22. I love to speak in Spanish.
21. I secretly envy whoever has the baby pink pickup truck in the student parking lot.
20. I'm really bad about getting motivated to do the simplest tasks.
19. I'm one of those people that will look for the remote for 2 hours instead of getting up to change the channel. Or I'll just remember to mentally add or subtract an hour of the time instead of changing it on the clock.
18. I can't cook to save my life. My idea of cooking is putting dressing on lettuce or adding milk to cereal.
17. I'm not kidding when I say my dog ate my homework...
16. I want to move to Washington State.
15. I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with Twilight.
14. If I had a car, I don't think I'd live at home anymore.
13. I match my puppy's sweater to my outfit.
12. Don't even roll your eyes. He gets cold.
11. I really wish I knew how to sew better.
10. When I was little, I thought there were little people inside of televisions, stoplights, and computers. I never understood how they fit in laptops.
9. I'm really good at science. But I think a lot of it is just guessing.
8. I have no idea what my great grandma looks like. But I know her handwriting. I snail mail her a letter and some pictures every few months.
7. She's 95 and still running on her treadmill - she used to run on the mountain, but it's too slippery in the winter.
6. I think I'd pass out after running a block.
5. During band camp, I used my Sickle Cell as an excuse not to run the 192384720 laps everyone else had to run.
4. I love reading. But I never have any idea what to read.
3. My New Year's resolution was to finish the bible in one year. It's November and I'm only half done.
2. I'm a thinker, not a doer. I can tell you how to bake a cake, the reactions that occur, whatever, but I couldn't actually bake one myself.
1. I'm really amazed that you read all of that. Kudos to you.